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Colvin Red & White Logo with Colvin Plumbing Inc in block letters beneath it.

Hamilton area Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation Specialists

With over twenty years’ experience, Colvin Plumbing Inc has seen a lot of renovations. Both the good and the bad. The most important parts of your renovation are actually the parts you don’t see. In behind the paint, backsplash, tile, cupboards and vanities are the portions that really need to be done properly. That means permitted, and meeting the Ontario Building Code Standards.


Don’t let the Plumbing, Electrical and HVAC be the afterthought in your Renovation.

Calling in the plumbers in the beginning, means a Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry room can be done to Ontario Building Code- Before the expensive finishes go up. It may not be the parts you see, But the bones of a renovation matter. Trust us, there is nothing worse than having that beautiful renovation finished only to find out that it wasn’t done to the Basic Ontario Building Code. This can result in future issues, leaks, or the bathtub backing up because what you thought you paid for is not what you got.

At Colvin Plumbing Inc, we work with qualified and trusted professionals in the trades. We know the benefits of permitted renovations, as well as the Ontario Building Code as the minimum standard. We want your renovation to last, just like our relationship with our customers.


So, give us a call, and see what it’s like to work with Integrity.

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